22x26 Geode Resin art with a glass like finish, enhanced by glass, stones, and other embellishments featuring golds, grays, Silver and copper shades.

Aman | Believe features luxurious gold layers with resin on a gorgeous 12x12 mini to remind you to believe no matter what it looks or feels like.
“Change the Atmosphere” by enhancing, your home or business with a uniquely curated work of art! Let’s connect to commission your custom composition. A portion of each purchase is donated to support trafficking victims and prevention.
#lisajmcinnisart #changetheatmosphere
48x60 Canvas
What started as a fluid pour was enhanced with Quartz, glass and resin for a touch of Lux.
Change the Atmosphere by enhancing your home or business with a uniquely curated work of art or celebrate a milestone, birthday, business or new home with a Lisa J McInnis Art Gift Card
17x20x2 Canvas
Black, white, gold and silver elements of glass, crystals, points, converge with derpytextures and a glass-like midnight river on canvas.
36x36 Canvas
Journey’s Smile boasts bright color splashes encased by pearly paths like a treasure map on canvas as a reminder to enjoy the view, take a deep breath and smile on your journey.
17x20x2 Canvas